Wird die Google-Suche schlechter?

Searchengineland fragt: «Is Google Search getting worse?» (via Researchbuzz: Firehose):

«Some issues that Google is facing regarding search are about the declining quality of search results and the need to include search terms like “Reddit” in a query to find answers written by humans. Among the issues has been the increase of AI-generated pages, which are able to game Google’s algorithm to appear near the top of search results, even if the pages are of middling quality. Google has tried to combat the problem by updating its search algorithm and filtering out pages it deems “unhelpful.” (…)

Google makes about 80% of its revenue from advertising. But if search results are low quality, users will go elsewhere, like TikTok. It’s easy to see how the need to stay relevant could be costing them in the long run.»

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