Female Leadership in Science

Postkarten-Aufsteller vor dem Eingang der Mediothek der Neuen Kantonsschule Aarau

Von der EPFL Lausanne gibt es eine neue Postkarten-Kampagne mit dem Thema “Female Leadership in Science”. Die einzelnen Bilder auf der Webseite führen zu Interviews auf YouTube (danke an Marcella Haab für die Anregung und den Link-Hinweis):

“Female Leadership in Science portraits 50 women professors at EPFL, at the occasion of EPFL’s 50th anniversary. The portraits were displayed on two main buildings on the EPFL Campus from 14 September until 30 November 2019.

The chosen visual approach is based on the aesthetics of political posters of the 1960s. These were often made using two or three color silkscreen printings, while the written message was reduced to a simple word to increase the impact. The same approach has also been very successful reused about 10 years ago during the campaign of US President Barack Obama.”

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