Zwölf Alternativen zu Google

Search Engine Watch bespricht im Artikel “Escape Google With These 12 Search Engine Alternatives” nützliche Suchmaschinen jenseits von Google (via Stephen’s Lighthouse):

“Here are 12 alternatives to escape your reliance on Google for all things search.

Step 1: Bing

Step 2: Blekko (offline)

Step 3: Boardreader

Step 4: BuzzSumo

Step 5: CC Search

Step 6: CrunchBase

Step 7: DuckDuckGo

Step 8: Quantcast

Step 9: SocialMention

Step 10: Technorati

11. Topsy (offline)

12. Wolfram|Alpha

Bottom Line

Google isn’t the only game in town and isn’t even the best alternative for many specific tasks and needs.”

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