Democracy’s Library

Das Internet Archive bietet neu die Democracy’s Library an. Darin zu finden ist u.a. eine Sammlung historischer Schulbücher aus der National Library of Education (via Newsletter Internet Archive):

“Last night, the Internet Archive officially announced a brand new initiative: Democracy’s Library. We believe that free and open access to public information is critical for any functioning democracy, and that every citizen should be able to seek knowledge in the public domain. That’s why we’re working to collect important government documents, so that citizens everywhere can be better informed.

Our goal is to digitize, catalog, and make findable government materials, starting with the U.S. and Canada. This includes laws, scientific studies and reports, safety standards, patents, copyright records, and so much more. The Democracy’s Library project will allow scholars, journalists, educators, businesses, the general public, or anyone with a thirst for knowledge to easily find the information these governments have produced, much of it at taxpayer expense.”

Update vom 30.11.2022, Internet Archive Blogs: What is the Democracy’s Library?

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