Empfehlungs-Poster für kurze YA-Bücher

Das Blog Don’t Shush Me! gibt unter dem Titel “Readalike Posters for YA Books with Shorter Page Counts” Hinweise, wie Empfehlungs-Poster zum Thema kurze Young Adult-Romane gestaltet werden können:

“Pretty much every teen, YA, or high school librarian I know has eventually run into the same problem with the YA books being published and that is this: the books are getting sooooooo big! Its becoming common for YA books to be 400 pages or more, and to be installments in larger series rather than standalones. Many readers do, of course, love to immerse in a big ole book, but I fear that many, many, MANY of our teens are being left behind in this trend. As a high school librarian I do not see that the majority of my students prefer, or are even open to, choosing books that much exceed 300 pages. I see a lot of students pick a book, when its time to choose for independent reading, based almost entirely on the number of pages, rather than the theme or content. Sometimes this is because their schedules are so busy as as to not allow for time to read larger books, or it sometimes is because a larger book is intimidating and perhaps their reading endurance isn’t quite up for that yet. Regardless of the reason, its totally valid! To that end I’ve created some “readalike posters” for my students to help guide them towards great shorter books.”

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