
Die Website Poetry Atlas versammelt Gedichte zu bestimmten Orten weltweit und funktioniert crowd-basiert (via The Scout Report – Volume 23, Number 26):

«»Everywhere has been written about,» writes the team behind the Poetry Atlas, an interactive tool that helps poetry fans find location-specific poems. Poems are arranged by a series of pins across a google map of the world; thus, visitors will find Evelyn Scott’s «Autumn Dusk in Central Park» via a pin marking Central Park; Carl Sandberg’s «Omaha» is marked in the Nebraska city (the poem is also marked in Council Bluffs, Iowa and the Missouri River, which are also mentioned in the poem); and Alfred Lloyd Tennyson «Beautiful City» appears in Paris. Visitors can also search for poems by poet and title; in addition, the Poetry Atlas also groups poems by categories (e.g. Poems About Battlefields; Poems About Rivers; Poems about Beaches). At this time the Poetry Atlas focuses on certain regions more than others. As a crowd sourced effort, visitors are invited to submit additional poems to»

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