Die Insta-Novels der New York Public Library waren bereits am 5.9.2018 Thema im digithek blog. Gestaltet von der Design-Agentur Mother New York, sind die Insta Novels Gewinner der Fast Company‘s 2019 Innovation by Design Awards in der Kategorie Apps & Games (via Researchbuzz: Firehose und Fast Company):
“Since launching in August 2018, more than 300,000 people have read the NYPL’s Insta Novels, and the NYPL’s Instagram account has gained 130,000 followers. While gaining more followers was definitely part of the project’s aim, the NYPL is more excited—and surprised—that people actually read the books that it published on Instagram.”
Update vom 15.11.2019, Deutschlandfunk: „Insta Novels“ der New York Public Library: Lesehäppchen sollen Lust auf Literatur machen