Mit sauberen Händen und vorsichtig ist am besten

Die New York Times erklärt unter dem Titel «For Rare Book Librarians, It’s Gloves Off. Seriously», weshalb es am besten ist, wertvolle Bücher vorsichtig mit sauberen Fingern anzufassen (via Archivalia):

«To (politely) sum up the current consensus: Gloves reduce your sense of touch, increasing the likelihood that you might accidentally tear a page, smear pigments, dislodge loose fragments — or worse, drop the book.

And whatever their associations with cleanliness, cotton gloves attract dirt. They also tend to make hands sweat, generating moisture that can damage a page. Rubber gloves, while moisture-proof and generally better fitted to the hand, are too grabby. (…)

“The best way to handle a rare book,” said Mark Dimunation, the longtime head of the rare books and special collections division at the Library of Congress, “is with clean hands and caution.”»

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