Papierlose Bibliothek

Am 14. September ist ausserhalb von San Antonio im amerikanischen Bundesstaat Texas die erste papierlose Bibliothek eröffnet worden. Wie die BiblioTech Library ausssieht, ist im Beitrag von TF1 zu sehen. Mehr dazu in Artikel «Paperless libraries» auf

«The bookless facility serves an unincorporated area outside of San Antonio, offering more than 10,000 titles available for digital download and 100 e-readers on loan, as well as computer stations, digital literacy classes, and a coffee shop.

BiblioTech will allow the county to open a library in an area that previously had none, for less money and in less space than it would cost to open a facility with physical materials.

BiblioTech’s head librarian, Ashley Eklof, says the facility will allow her to focus more on helping patrons connect with information and less on circulating physical books.

“My primary purpose as a librarian is to provide information access,” said Eklof. “Of course, there is a technological focus when working at an all-digital library, but I feel that it is necessary for libraries and librarians in general to be tech-savvy in order to meet the changing needs of the patrons.”»

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