Public Domain und Creative Commons-Medien finden

Die Harward Law School Library hat unter dem Titel «Finding Public Domain & Creative Commons Media» eine umfangreiche annotierte Liste mit Medien, die unter Public Domain oder einer Creative Commons-Lizenz stehen, zusammengetragen (via The Scout Report, Volume 22, Number 11):

«Subject matter experts at the Harvard Law School Library have compiled over 130 Research Guides to assist students and other library patrons with their research initiatives. Ranging in topic from Animal Law to Mergers & Acquisitions to Visualization Tools, there are numerous resources to be explored. One particular guide of note is the Public Domain and Creative Commons Media Finder. This handy reference was crafted by Research Librarian Meg Kribble and will help interested readers locate and correctly attribute public domain and Creative Commons media for personal and academic use. To start, the guide breaks down the difference between the public domain and Creative Commons. Then, the guide links to a helpful three-minute video that explains the Creative Commons process and offers an infographic detailing the various types of Creative Commons licenses. Perhaps most helpful, are the annotated listings of public domain and Creative Commons Web resources. This thorough compilation is sure to make it easy to find Images, Audio Content, and Video Content for a variety of projects and presentations.»

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