Restaurierung eines Zeichentrickfilms

Das Youtube-Video «How a 100-Year-Old Animated Film Is Restored!» zeigt den Restaurierungsprozess von Fleischers Film Koko der Clown aus dem Jahr 1924, vom Scannen einer 35-mm-Kopie von 1930 bis zur digitalen Retusche. Fleischer Films verfügt über einen eigenen Youtube-Kanal (via

«In a century of animated cinema, the importance of animator Max Fleischer cannot be overstated. Fleischer created Betty Boop, produced the original Popeye and Superman cartoons, and also invented the Rotoscope. Fabulous Fleischer Cartoons Restored is on a mission to restore the films of Max Fleischer from original prints and negatives. We visited the team and restoration expert Steve Stanchfield at Blackhawk Films, a film scanning facility in Southern California to learn about the restoration process and watch a classic Koko the Clown short brought back to life.»

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