Rosalías trippige «Motomami» Performance

Zur Einstimmung ins Wochenende weise ich hier auf die wilde 28minütige «ROSALÍA TikTok LIVE Performance» hin – genau, das ist die spanische Flamenco-Sängerin mit den roten Haaren und den langen Fingernägeln (via TikTok Newsletter 76 von Marcus Bösch und Rolling Stone):

«Rosalía’s TikTok performance in celebration of her album Motomami is a wild ride. The trippy, campy, strange video is now available to watch on YouTube — and it’s meant to be viewed from a mobile device since the camera spins from a wide view to a vertical view and flips around throughout.

“The contents change orientation, so it is recommended to lock screen orientation in settings and to hold the device with both hands,” a disclaimer reads at the start.»

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