RSS-Feed für Websites ohne RSS-Feed

Der RSS-Feedreader Feedly ermöglicht neu das Erstellen eines Feeds für Websites, die keinen RS-Feed haben (via

«When you try to follow a website that doesn’t offer RSS, you used to hit a dead end. Now, you’ll see the option to build your own RSS feed, and the RSS Builder will walk you through the simple steps to add a website without RSS to your Feedly.

First, choose the articles you want to get through RSS. When you open the RSS builder, you’ll get a preview of the web page. Scroll down the page, find the section of articles you’re interested in, and click on the articles you want to get in Feedly (such as the “latest posts” section of a company’s blog). Then, click ‘Build RSS feed.’ You’ll be prompted to add your new source to an existing Feed in Feedly. Add it to an existing Feed, or create a new Feed in which to organize your new source.

That’s it! You have officially built an RSS feed from scratch.»

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