Salford Zine Library in Manchester

Die Salford Zine Library in Manchester sammelt selbstpublizierte Hefte (Zines) und ist öffentlich zugänglich. Im Youtube-Video «Self-Publishers of the World Take Over FULL MOVIE» ist am Anfang die Bibliothek zu sehen. Die jugendlichen Macher der Zines erklären im Video, was den kreativen Reiz der Zines ausmacht (via Erwähnung der Salford Zine Library im Blog der Jugendkulturen):

«Salford Zine Library is a unique archive of self published materials, currently housed at Nexus Art Café on Dale Street in Manchester. It seeks to preserve and provide access to zines from around the world, as well as promoting zines and DIY culture through workshops, exhibitions and other events.

There are currently around 1500 zines in the collection, all of which have been donated by zine makers and collectors. The collection includes zines of all shapes and sizes, covering a broad range of subjects from football and feminism to veganism and poetry. You’ll soon be able to browse the collection on this website.

The zine library is open seven days a week and is open to all.»

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