Wann, wo und wie wurde ein Foto gemacht?

OSINT at Home zeigt auf Youtube fünf Methoden und Tools, um an die EXIF-Daten eines Fotos oder Videos zu kommen (via ARDZDFmedienakademie auf Twitter):

“Metadata is the key of clues when it comes to images, videos, documents or any other file type for that matter. This day and age, it is increasingly rare to come across a full packet of metadata. But in case there is a wide spread of information such as who created it, where it was made and when it was made, it’s good to know some basic ways to check for that attached information.

This tutorial does not cover the full extent of how to look up exif and metadata, but if you’re new to the topic, it will hopefully help.

NOTE: Don’t forget the disclaimer I put at the end of this video, that metadata is able to be manipulated, so it is good to cross-reference that information with other information from alternative sources to make sure it is verified and valid.”

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