“Does Your School Have a Teacher Librarian?” heisst ein neues Video der California Association of School Librarians (via Cathy Jo Nelson’s Professional Thoughts). Es erklärt die Rolle von SchulbibliothekarInnen in Kalifornien:
“This advocacy film about California teacher librarians illustrates how we nurture student interests, integrate technology, teach information literacy, prepare students to be college and career ready, and can provide professional development to faculty and staff at our school sites and for our school districts. Can be used as an advocacy tool for all K-12 certified school librarians.”
“School Libraries Matter: The Changing Role of the School Librarian” heisst ein weiterer kürzlich veröffentlichter Imagefilm amerikanischer “Teacher Librarians”:
“Support over 50,000 school librarians making a difference every day in our schools. Join the conversation. #SchoolLibrariesMatter”
Und schliesslich “Principals Know: School Librarians are the Heart of the School”:
“Principals Know: School Librarians are the Heart of the School was crowdsourced by Dr. Judi Moreillon and Dr. Teresa Starrett using funds provided by the Texas Library Association, Demco, and the Dean’s Research Funds (College of Professional Education, Texas Woman’s University).”