Zehnstellige ISBN wird nächstes Jahr eingestellt

Forbes berichtet unter dem Titel “The 10-Digit ISBN Is Getting Retired Next Year” über eine Änderung bei der ISBN:

“Every commercially published book in the world is given a unique International Standard Book Number, or ISBN. On its inception in 1967, that number was 10 digits long, though it was updated to 13 digits in 2007. Now, starting in early 2020, the 10-digit ISBN is getting replaced entirely by the 13-digit version for the first time in the US market. (…)

Next year, Bowker, which manages US ISBN assignments, plans to add a new “979” prefix in addition to the 978 one. (…)

In order to stop misidentifications, all US systems will need to effectively retire the 10-digit signifier before they start processing new titles with the 979 prefix.”

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