Zines für Schulbibliotheken

Die langjährige Zinesterin und Zine-Bibliothekarin Cathy Camper hat unter dem Titel «Zines: Cut-and-Paste Publishing by and for the People» einen neuen Artikel für das School Library Journal geschrieben, in dem sie Lehrern und Schulbibliothekaren Zines vorstellt (via zinelibraries.info):

«Zines not only inspire kids to read; they inspire kids to make zines themselves. I find student zine workshops to be liberating and exuberant. Making zines is inherently different from typing an assignment on a computer, or commenting on social media, because it’s analog and physical: You cut and paste, you hand write, you draw. You are choosing the content and creating the format. (…)

The school library is a great place to circulate student-created zines. Bear in mind, though, that while kids love making zines, they don’t always like reading zines by other young people, due to the lack of narrative and coherence in kids’ writing. Still, having their work in the collection and the catalog can be thrilling for young creators.»

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