Zweitgrösste Wikipedia ist in Cebuano geschrieben

Die zweitgrösste Wikipedia ist in Cebuano geschrieben und von einem Bot verfasst (via Researchbuzz: Firehose und Motherboard)

«The Cebuano Wikipedia is the second largest edition of Wikipedia, lagging behind the English version by only just over 630 thousand articles and ahead of the Swedish and German editions by over 1.64 and 2.98 million articles, respectively. Its positioning is rather peculiar given that, according to the Encyclopedia Britannica, there are only approximately 16.5 million speakers of the language in the Philippines. Despite having over 5.37 million articles, it has only 6 administrators and 14 active users. The English edition, by comparison, has 1,143 administrators and 137,368 active users for over 6 million articles, at the time of writing.»

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