Topsy gibt es nicht mehr

Das 2013 von Apple gekaufte Tool Topsy ist seit heute Nacht abgeschaltet bzw. verweist auf eine Support-Seite von Apple zur Suche in iOS 9 (via MonitoringMatcher).

Das nützliche Twitter Analytics-Tool Topsy war im digithek blog mehrfach Thema (28.9.2015, 15.1.2015, 28.11.2014).

Update vom 17.12.2015: Kommentar von Phil Bradley «Topsy closed«:

«This is bad news. Topsy was an excellent Twitter search engine – with over 426 billion tweets in its database. It was fast, effective and very good at its job. So good in fact that Apple bought them a couple of years ago. Now they have decided to close it. On Tuesday night they sent out a very sad tweet from the @Topsy account: «We’ve searched our last tweet». The site now redirects to an Apple support site, urging us to use Siri to search. This is a real case of ‹WTF?› It did a superb job and had little by the way of competition. Even Google realised the importance of searching Twitter properly and renegotiated a deal recently. So we’re left with Google and the Advanced Twitter search function, neither of which are as good as Topsy was. Apple is simply being a dick here. It’s not big, funny or clever.»

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