Untitled (Bauhaus form/color study) / Howard Dearstyne, American (Albany, N.Y., USA 1903 – 1979 Alexandria, Va., USA). c. 1925. Harvard Art Museums/Busch-Reisinger Museum, Gift of Marjorie Smolka. Online
Das Neue Online-Archiv The Bauhaus der Harvard Art Museums (Fogg Museum, Busch-Reisinger Museum und Arthur M. Sackler Museum) zeigt über 32’000 Objekte von Klee, Kandinsky u.v.m. (via Archivportal-D auf Twitter):
“The Harvard Art Museums hold one of the first and largest collections relating to the Bauhaus, the 20th century’s most influential school of art and design. Active during the years of Germany’s Weimar Republic (1919–33), the Bauhaus aimed to unite artists, architects, and craftsmen in the utopian project of designing a new world. The school promoted experimental, hands-on production; realigned hierarchies between high and low, artist and worker, teacher and student; sharpened the human senses toward both physical materials and media environments; embraced new technologies in conjunction with industry; and imagined and enacted cosmopolitan forms of communal living. The legacies of the Bauhaus are visible today, extending well beyond modernist forms and into the ways we live, teach, and learn.”