Creative Commons-Publikation


Die Unesco hat den kostenlosen Leitfaden «Open Content – A prac­tical guide to using Creative Commons licen­ses» veröffentlicht (Autor: Till Kreutzer, via Darin wird in Kapitel “4.4 Finding Open Content online” erklärt, wie Creative Commons-Inhalte auffindbar sind:

“Search engines are essential to finding Open Content on the web. Google provides a specific Open Content search function which can be found in the “advanced search” options. The advanced search option allows users to filter the search results according to usage rights. Several options can be chosen to limit the search results, these include, e.g. “content that can be freely used and shared,” “content that can be freely used and shared also for commercial purposes,” etc. The Google Image Search features the same function. Usually, users search for certain kinds of content. In this case, the use of content platforms might be more convenient than the use of general search engines. There are several platforms for images, videos or even music which allow searching specifically for Open Content.

Flickr is the world’s largest photo community. Millions of images are uploaded onto the platform, many of which are licenced under CC licences. To find them, the advanced search offers a respective setting.

Another large image archive is the Wikimedia Commons Database. Most of the photos contained therein are published under a public licence or even dedicated to the public domain.

The video platform Vimeo is particularly progressive in the field of Open Content. It enables the user of self-created content to choose a CC licence before uploading the video content to the site. Moreover, if someone searches for certain content, there is a link called “advanced filters” which contains an option to search for CC licenced content.

The CC website features a special search function for Open Content of different types. It allows a user to search on a number of platforms including YouTube, Jamendo (music), SoundCloud (music) or Europeana (multiple kinds of works).”

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