Die Europäische Raumfahrtagentur ESA veröffentlicht ihre Inhalte neu unter freien Lizenzen.
Ein möglicher erster Einstieg ist z.B. der Soundcloud- und der Youtube-Kanal HubbleESA (via juliareda.eu und open.esa.int):
“A new Open Access policy for ESA’s information and data will now facilitate broadest use and reuse of the material for the general public, media, the educational sector, partners and anybody else seeking to utilise and build upon it.
ESA releases subsets of content under the Creative Commons IGO licencing scheme, with the Open Access compliant Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 IGO or, in short, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO licence as the standard. CC IGO licences were designed for use by intergovernmental organisations and allow, in case of CC BY-SA IGO for example, images to be widely used on Wikipedia and its media repository Wikimedia Commons.”