HathiTrust erreicht 18 Mio Titel

Die HathiTrust Digital Library enthält seit Kurzem über 18 Millionen Titel (via Newsletter HathiTrust July/August 2023)

«This summer, the HathiTrust Digital Library achieved a remarkable milestone: 18 million items. While it’s impossible for us to identify the precise 18-millionth item, contenders include Whitman’s Leaves of Grass (above), The Divine Fire, and a treaty between Portugal and Russia (both below).

Other items contributed in the same time frame include texts in Arabic, German, Greek, and Japanese, as well as Flappers and Philosophers by F. Scott Fitzgerald; a 1921 handbook on agricultural marketing; a translation of Beowolf; and a 1901 comparative study of the principles of the French revolution and modern French socialism by Jessica Peixotto.»

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