Historische chinesische Fotografien

Man with statue of military official, guarding the Spirit Way to the Ming Tombs, c.1902: Ca02-115, © 2008 Queen’s University Belfast

Die Website «Historical Photos of China» macht historische chinesische Fotografien zugänglich (via Internet Scout):

«This project, a collaboration between the University of Bristol, University of Lincoln, the Institut d’Asie Orientale, and TGE-Adonis, “aims to locate, archive, and disseminate” the disparate photographs of modern China held in private collections around the world. This is a particularly compelling goal, as the bulk of the photographic archives of modern China were destroyed inside the country during the 1966-69 Cultural Revolution. Five extensive collections, including hundreds of portraits and landscapes from the National Archives Collection in London, are represented on the web site. Themes include Chinese Maritime Collections and the Shanghai Municipal Police. Each collection is accompanied by a helpful introduction and includes a title and date for each image.»

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