KB Brüssel digitalisiert mit Google Books

Die Royal Library of Belgium (KBR) arbeitet mit Google Books zusammen. Zu den ausgewählten Dokumenten, die digitalisiert werden, gehören (via Archivalia und kbr.be):

  • «A unique collection of 25,000 books printed in Brussels in the 17th and 18th centuries: the largest collection of old and rare books from the capital of the (Southern) Low Countries, with a strong emphasis on government publications in French, Dutch, Spanish and Latin.

  • The most complete collection in the world of pamphlets and leaflets from the time of the Brabant revolution that led to the independent United States of Belgium (1789-1790), comprising nearly 7,000 items.

  • 32,000 brochures, leaflets, catalogues, almanacs and other ephemera in various languages and on various topics (such as art, poetry, theatre, history, politics, medicine, travels, daily life) printed in the 19th centuries around the world.»

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