Auf die National Emergency Library des Internet Archive wurde im digithek blog bereits am 24.3.2020 hingewiesen. In einem Internet Archive-Blog-Beitrag unter dem Titel “The National Emergency Library: A Useful Tool for Educators” wird jetzt nochmals auf den Nutzen u.a. für K-12-Teachers hingewiesen:
“Teachers can use the Library to connect students with many of the books that are currently locked away in shuttered classrooms and school libraries, including hundreds of titles found on Common Core reading lists. Need a copy of The Paper Crane to read aloud to your first graders during a video call? Done. Want your fourth graders to read the Christopher Paul Curtis story Bud, Not Buddy? Send them the link. Looking for a copy of Dee Brown’s Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee for your high school history class? The Library has that too.”