Online Klavier spielen lernen

Learn Piano Online der Hoffman Academy stellt verschiedene Klavierspiel-Tutorials zur Verfügung (via The Scout Report – Volume 23, Number 4):

«For anyone interested in learning (or relearning) how to play the piano, this website provides a series of free video lessons. Joseph Hoffman, an experienced piano teacher with a master’s degree in music, created this series of free video recorded lessons in order to meet the growing demand for piano lessons. On this website, piano learners of any age can watch over 100 lessons, divided into nine units. Each lesson is between approximately five and ten minutes in length. Visitors can learn more about Hoffman’s teaching philosophy and methods in the About section of this website. In keeping with Hoffman’s vision that there «be no barrier to any child in the world who [wants] to learn to play the piano,» all lessons are available free of charge. However, learners have the option of creating a paid premium account to access additional resources.»

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