Über 10’000 historische Kochbücher online

Can’t fail cook book / by Swezy, Isabelle Clark. 1915. Online

Das Internet Archive macht in der Sektion Cookbooks and Home Economics über 10’000 rare Kochbücher kostenlos zugänglich (via Researchbuzz: Firehose bzw. mymodernmet.com):

«Not sure what to make for dinner tonight? Aspiring chefs or weary home cooks can find inspiration in recipes of the American past. Over 10,000 historic cookbooks are now available in the Cookbooks and Home Economics collection of the Internet Archive. From early European recipe collections which walk the line of food and medicine to 20th-century promotional recipes by Gelatin brands, these historic cookbooks have a recipe for any time, place, or occasion.»

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  1. Pingback: Nur 50 deutschsprachige Titel unter den 10.000+ „Cookbooks and Home Economics“ des Internet Archive | Archivalia

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