US-Amerikanische Buchbann-Debatte auf 60 Minutes

CBS News 60 Minutes berichtet zum Thema «Beaufort, South Carolina, schools return most books to shelves after attempt to ban 97» (via 60 Minutes auf X):

«With election season upon us, the forces of politics are pulling us apart and among the sharpest battles recently is a campaign to ban certain books from public schools. There were more than 3,000 book bans in schools last year, a thousand more than the year before. That rise is inspired, in part, by Moms for Liberty—a Florida-based conservative group that says it is fighting for the survival of America. You might expect a sympathetic ear in Beaufort, South Carolina. The county votes Republican and is home to many veterans who did fight for America. But when two people demanded the banning of 97 books, Beaufort found itself in a battle over the true meaning of liberty.»

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