Wie ein Teenager Social Media sieht

Im lesenswerten Artikel «A Teenager’s View on Social Media» beschreibt Andrew Watts, 19jähriger Student der University of Texas in Austin, wie er einzelne Social Media-Dienste in Bezug auf Jugendliche einschätzt (via AL Direct). Zum Thema Facebook schreibt er z.B:

«Facebook is often used by us mainly for its group functionality. I know plenty of classmates who only go on Facebook to check the groups they are part of and then quickly log off. In this part Facebook shines—groups do not have the same complicated algorithms behind them that the Newsfeed does. It is very easy to just see the new information posted on the group without having to sift through tons of posts and advertising you don’t really care about.

Messaging on Facebook is also extremely popular among our age group, mainly because they provide the means to talk to those people who you weren’t really comfortable with asking for their number but comfortable enough to send them a friend request.

Facebook is often the jumping-off point for many people to try to find you online, simply because everyone around us has it. If I met you one time at some party, I’m not going to try to check Twitter or Instagram to find out who you are. Instead, many opt for the ease of Facebook and the powerful search functionality that gives you results of people who you actually have a chance of knowing.»

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