Zum Glück gibt es das Internet Archive


Andy Baio fasst im Artikel «Never trust a corporation to do a libraries’s job» auf medium.com zusammen, weshalb das Internet Archive für das Zugänglich-Machen von Inhalten aus der Vergangenheit wichtiger ist als Google (via AL Direct):

«For years, Google’s mission included the preservation of the past. But in the last five years, starting around 2010, the shifting priorities of Google’s management left its archival projects in limbo, or abandoned entirely. Two months ago, Larry Page said the company has outgrown its 14-year-old mission statement. Its ambitions have grown, and its priorities have shifted. Google may have dropped the ball on the past, but fortunately, someone was there to pick it up. The Internet Archive is mostly known for archiving the web, a task the San Francisco-based nonprofit has tirelessly done since 1996. But it does much more. (…)

Most don’t know that the Internet Archive also hosts:

Books. One of the world’s largest open collections of digitized books, over 6 million public domain books, and an open library catalog.
Videos. 1.9 million videos, including classic TV, 1,300 vintage home movies, and 4,000 public-domain feature films.
The Prelinger Archives. Over 6,000 ephemeral films, including vintage advertising, educational and industrial footage.
Audio. 2.3 million audio recordings, including over 74,000 radio broadcasts, 13,000 78rpm records, and 1.7 million Creative Commons-licensed audio recordings.
Live music. Over 137,000 concert recordings, nearly 10,000 from the Grateful Dead alone.
Audiobooks. Over 10,000 audiobooks from LibriVox and more.
TV News. 668,000 news broadcasts with full-text search.
Scanning services. Free and open access to scan complete print collections in 33 scanning centers, with 1,500 books scanned daily.
Software. The largest collection of historical software in the world.»

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