IK-Vermittlung in US-Schulbibliotheken

The Verge interviewt unter dem Titel «In the war on fake news, school librarians have a huge role to play» Professorin Nicole A. Cooke von der University of Illinois. Sie lehrt an der School of Information Sciences u.a. Information Literacy:

«There are some amazing school librarians that are doing good work and I know they’re familiar with information literacy and what that means. I don’t know how much opportunity they get to actually do that. School librarians are doing 100 different things in the course of the day, but I’m positive that they’re covering it. Perhaps if given the time they could do a lot more. (…)

There’s been lots of great resources popping up in the last couple of weeks that say things like “how to spot fake sites” and tell you how to address them. You know, it’s going to be a development issue on our end. I would hope there’s enough conversation that our patrons and students start actually asking for instruction. «

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