Kostenlose Bilder zum Einbinden bei Getty Images

Eingebettetes Bild von Getty Images

Bilder von Getty Images dürfen jetzt in nichtkommerziellen Blogs mittels IFrame eingebettet werden, ist in ihrem Blog zu lesen (via blog.rebellen.info). Was es mit der nichtkommerziellen Nutzung auf sich hat, hat Blogrebellen bei Getty Images nachgefragt.

«Getty Images offers the world’s most comprehensive collection of high-quality images including news, entertainment, sports, archival and creative imagery. To embed these images, people can visit www.gettyimages.com, hover over an image in the search results or on the image detail page, and click the embed icon ().The embedded images will be hosted on the gettyimages.com site, but they will appear in the context of the viewer on the site where they are embedded. The viewer includes the name of the photographer and image collection, and a link back to the image page on www.gettyimages.com where people can license it for commercial use. For full details on how embedded images may be used, please see our Terms of Use.»

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