Das am 22.1.2016 gestartete Political TV Ad Archive ist eine Initiative des Internet Archive und begleitet den amerikanischen Wahlkampf mit einordnenden Hintergrundinformationen zur Polit-Propaganda.
Seit Kurzem gibt es jetzt ein dreieinhalbminütiges Video, das den Zweck der Plattform erklärt (via Internet Archive Blogs):
“Watch the video for an overview of the project, the wealth of information it provides, and how fact checkers and journalists have been using it to enrich their reporting. It is a great introduction for educators to use with students, for civic groups to engage their membership in the political process, and for reporters who want to get the basics on how to use the site.
And remember: we want to hear from you about how you are using the Political TV Ad Archive. Please drop us an email at politicalad@archive.org or tweet us @PolitAdArchive. Over the week ahead, we’ll be highlighting examples of how educators have used the project in their classrooms. We’d love to feature examples of how other members of the public are using this collection to enhance deeper understanding of the 2016 elections.”